Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tear down the box ...

     Today's society :We are not allowed to take chances, try new things, make mistakes, change our minds, start something new, start a new business, ignore a trend, love out loud, fall in and out of love, have any fun, change your mind, and a whole lot more. Society does not want you to LIVE! Who makes all the rules? Are they following these rules?  How can you explain that being yourself has suddenly become a crime? 

      There was a time when the mere thought of living outside the box and taking chances scared me to death.  At this same time I was not able to run my business as I had envisioned  because I  was using society's manual. I worried about what "people" will say or think, I had ideas that I will share and will immediately get reminded that those ideas could never work. I will wait for society's approval. Recently I realized that I was not like everyone else, I realized that my purpose did not need anyone's approval. Your vision and purpose is way bigger than your immediate surroundings and or community. Being able to tear-down the "boxed in mentality" will open unimaginable doors. 

      As mothers we are more than equipped to be the best at what we choose to do. We have been equipped with patience, tolerance, and a high talent of multitasking. Do not live in a box, tear down that box and take a chance. The first step is to believe that there is always an untouched opportunity waiting for you on the outside of the box. A well balanced mother raises a well balanced child, mentally, physically and emotionally. The moment you can be your own true self is the only time you can start living a full life. 

In other news!
I am starting a campaign " Give my husband back campaign".  This kid thinks she can just sneak in-between us every time we manage to escape to get some "US" time. What are they smiling about anyways?

Kisses :) 

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