Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tired much?

"Tired much?" 

    Thankful for every moment I get to be tired for the right reasons. Nothing will ever be the same again. Having a fourth baby has taught me or rather reminded me how valuable my time is. I can choose to whine about how quick the day went by or I can find joy in every single task I have to complete. You must get to a point where your exhaustion can bring you into a moment of praise, meaning that you are tired for the absolute perfect reasons.

      When you decide to accept that your time is valuable you may loose friends, family, clients, and more because some people will rather you stay tired for the wrong reasons. 

  Time is valuable and my tiredness must have a Praise! 
Let every moment of exhaustion be accompanied by your praise, let every mamipikin reevaluate how, what, and who is taking up most of your time and for what reasons, for our time is valuable and irreplaceable.  


The place where God needs your genius is NEVER saturated

Today I will be sharing a single paragraph because thats all you need.      There will never be saturation where he has called you. You...