Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Book shopping is the new cool...

and more READING....

We all know how great reading is. Not just for the kids but for everyone. Your kids reading lots of books should not be a luxury. Keep them reading. 

   So I happen to he raising avid readers. My People read as much as I write. Well let me say that again, 20times more. My 11 year old son goes through a book a day. Trips to the salvation army book section make my kids happy. For $100 on this trip, I got a box of books that can stay in my library. My 11 year old son reads in collections and recently doesn’t want to get books from the library because he re-reads them. Well to cut a long story short replace electronics with books. It works wonders for your kids. They used to also read books on their iPads/tablets but recently we cut that out completely as we are working on less screen time. Give your kids more books. It increases vocabulary, imagination, creativity, helps with math, and keeps them focused. I know we have a ton of free resources and free books so please do well to share in the comment section so we can all benefit from the awesomeness. 

   Try thrift store book shopping with your kids. You spend quality time, and you are not spending a ton of money. Also, create relationships that allow you to book swap with other kids. The next time you buy a gift for a kids birthday- please buy a book. Give a book. 

•What do you do to encourage reading at your homes?
• Is it intentional?
•Are you exploring and using all resources available to you?
     Lets keep our children reading and growing positively. 

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me about getting conversations back on the blog. This is your doing. We will try to keep it up.

Ya’ah Yefon.

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