Sunday, January 7, 2018

Don't lose your MIND...

   Happy New year Mamipikins!
   I definitely owe you all an apology for being MIA. After writing and publishing my first book; Mamipikin Talks/ A Safe Space To Be You, I have been on the go nonstop. Its been one event to the other and then we are in 2018. This is a great time to be alive. A time where you have the ability to think and make decisions for yourself. Don't take this time for granted.

   I wanted to start the year off  by opening up a discussion on sanity. There is a trend in our community asking women to meet certain needs or risk losing spouses, boyfriends, housemates, partners (whatever your situation is) and this has kept me up for a while so I thought I will share on here so we start this year strong.

   Just so you know I am a christian married mother of four so please don't come at me with bible verses of submission because this conversation is certainly not about submission. I am all for submission according to the bible by women to their husbands. And because I know we have male readers, men please do well to love your spouse's, for the bible says so as well. OK, back to the topic at hand. Today’s society is asking that we do hoops, back flips, splits and a lot more so that our spouses are not promiscuous. We go as far as blaming women for not being able to stay on task with the demands at all times as the reason for promiscuity. No one mentions the most important aspect in a relationship which is sanity and inner peace. You want to be very sane. Don't lose your sanity over any relationship. You want to do all these lovely things cook, clean, be a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed, wear matching lingerie, travel the world all of it but at the end of the day make sure YOU are present and not just doing this to keep up with today's idea of a relationship. When you have lost your mind you are no good to your family, your relationship, your career, and most importantly yourself. You want to fall in love not fall for love. If anything drives you insane it's not worth it. You don't understand how bad it is until you are completely wiped out. Then you result to hate, jealousy, gossip, depression and worst cases suicide. Yes people die for Love and relationships. It's a fact.
     You want to enjoy your relationship, first of all love yourself and your mind. Be in love with you. Be sooo in love with yourself that you can remain PRESENT in the relationship and your spouse cannot help but fall in love with you over and over again. Make sure you don't give up your dreams for love. You need to keep your mind sane by doing the things you love. These things should be the things that complete you as a person.

  Yes, mind blowing sex, great food, vacations, and all these are great then what? Can you have sex forever? How much food can you eat?  Both men and women need peace and sanity at home and in their lives. You want Christ to give you inner peace that keeps you sane. You want to be a sane human. No man wants an insane woman and vice versa. At the end of the day you need YOU.

  At the end of the day a relationship should complete you because you are bringing your best to the table and so are they. If you constantly feel depleted in your relationships you need to reevaluate and go back to the drawing board. Of course no relationship is perfect. No one should expect complete fulfillment from anyone else unless our Lord Jesus Christ. You wont meet any saints on earth, so as the year begins look around you. Are your relationships, friendships, partnerships etc. time wasters or are do they contribute to your greater purpose or are you loosing your mind daily.
And just so you know relationship is defined as the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected. So Please check your relationships!

Be selfish and Love you first.
Be selfish and create a workable schedule that adds you to the list.
Be selfish and buy yourself that gift that you are expecting from a relationship or spouse.
Be selfish and have a hobby that keeps you sane.
Be selfish and have your own list, haha. Bring your own list of demands on the table.
Be selfish and start this year with the intention of keeping your sanity!
Be selfish and read a self help book.
Be selfish and insist on being a woman that has inner peace.
Be selfish and insist on being the sane one in all your relationships.

You need to be present to chase your wildest dreams. You need to be present in order to Love anyone else. You need to be present to be a great mother, wife, aunt, neighbor and human.
Don't lose your mind in 2018.

Get your copy today:
 Mamipikin Talks/ A Safe Space To Be You
Amazon eBook; )

Cheers Kisses,

The place where God needs your genius is NEVER saturated

Today I will be sharing a single paragraph because thats all you need.      There will never be saturation where he has called you. You...