Monday, November 24, 2014

Your Outside versus the truth

    You are Gods masterpiece. Looked in the mirror last night after my shower and smiled at how much I had changed physically and how it no longer bothered me. I smile because i have understood that this type of physical change is part of my journey, and i know i always can bounce back  my sexy momma days haha. 
  Then I thought about my environment/society and how we focus so much on the outside, and are really dying on the inside. Its easy to focus on the physical to avoid how much is going on inside of you. I realize that we are broken on the inside about a list  of insecurities and yet spend thousands of dollars working on the outside. 

      A broken woman needs professional help. There is no amount of shopping, sex, alcohol, gossip, lies, etc and all the other distractions that can fix a broken woman. We must be able to admit that we are broken on the inside and seek help to solve the root of the problem. Prayers, counseling, change of friends, and a great deal of self confidence is a starting point. Don't live "half a life" because you seem to be doing great on the outside and dying on the inside. 

  Did I mention that a man cant fix whats broken on your inside? if you have issues you need to work on your issues. Unless this man is your therapist he is not equipped to handle the task at hand. Look at your self in the mirror, no not the mirror on the wall, the inner mirror and start working from the inside out. 

Let nomamipikin be caught up on working on the outside with an inside that no one will want to take a peek at. Seek professional help, your church, local women's help support groups, counseling, and more. Its not telling your business its getting the help you need so you can be a better mother, sister, wife, daughter, and more. Its giving yourself the first class treatment you deserve. 

Love you all. 

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